Everglass Leather Coat – 50ml

Everglass Leather Coat – 50ml

£ 1.00

Everglass Leather Coat is a real milestone in protecting leather trim. Based on SiO2, this is the first coating in the world for the skin, which provides a very strong protection against dirt, water, ultraviolet rays, but most of all – friction.

Available on backorder


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Everglass Leather Coat

Everglass Leather Coat is a real milestone in protecting leather trim. Based on SiO2, this is the first coating in the world for the skin, which provides a very strong protection against dirt, water, ultraviolet rays, but most of all – friction.

Everglass Leather Coat является настоящей вехой в защите кожаной отделки. На основе SiO2, это первое покрытие в мире для кожи, что обеспечивает очень прочную защиту от грязи, воды, ультрафиолетовых лучей, но больше всего трения.